Our thoughts are with all those in Ethiopia
15 November 2020
Our thoughts are with those in Ethiopia who are currently experiencing challenging times in the Tigray region. Water4Ethiopia's capped springs and hand dug wells are in the next region of Amhara.
We very much hope to get back out to Ethiopia once the Covid-19 pandemic is back under control. In the meantime, please keep donating so that we can help fund more projects once it is safer to return to Ethiopia.
Thank you for your support.

Spring 2019 Update
28 February 2019
Water4Ethiopia are delighted to be preparing with our partner NGO (EOC-DICAC) for a £30,000 project in Goncha, to start later this year.
Following a period of uncertainty in Ethiopia in late 2017 and 2018, EOC-DICAC and the UK Foreign Office advice is that the project areas are now safe for us to resume project development in. Our target from the 2019 Goncha projects is for a further 4000 to 5000 Ethiopians to have clean water each day, through a series of hand-pump wells and capped springs.
Water4Ethiopia have requested the project proposal from EOC-DICAC and look forward to the plans coming together ready for us to visit Ethiopia after the rainy season ends later this year. We expect the projects to be completed by May 2020.
During our trip later this year, we very much look forward to seeing 5 hand-pump projects that have been completed since our last visit. Please watch this space for further updates!

Project Agreement signed by Water4Ethiopia and Partner NGO
6 March, 2016
This week the project proposal for the Goncha phase II clean water projects were signed by both Water4Ethiopia and our partner NGO (EOC-DICAC) in Ethiopia. 9 sites were identified in December and a tenth site is to be identified in April 2016. The combined projects are expected to help approximately 3500 Ethiopians with a hygiene and sanitation programme as well as clean water each day. As per our previous projects, the beneficaries will be responsible for providing their free labour to dig the majority of the well and to work with the artesian and project manager as required, this really helps a sense of ownership in the communities.
The anticipated cost of the project is £23,856.58. The same project manager is in place as the Goncha phase I projects in 2015. The next step is for the project agreement to be signed by the local woreda finance and economic office so that the project implementation stage can begin.

7 Hand-Pump Wells Completed
15 December, 2015
We are delighted that all 7 hand-dug wells have been completed with clean water now flowing from a hand-pump at each village site for approximately 2300 Ethiopians to use each day. Thank you for all your kind donations and support in helping to enable these projects to be funded. The total cost of the projects is currently about 30% under budget although the hygiene and sanitation programme is ongoing and the monitoring cost is still to be finalised. You can see photos of the clean water at each project site that Andy took during his recent trip to Ethiopia, on our 'Completed Projects' page, with the projects being sites 5 to 11.
During Andy's trip, he also worked with our partner NGO (EOC-DICAC) and the local woreda office in Goncha to identify a further 9 projects for phase II construction in 2016. You can read more about each of these proposed projects on our 'Current Projects' page.

Fundraising in Sheffield
9 July, 2015
Many thanks to the Key Stage 1 children and parents at Mundella Primary School in Sheffield who recently held a business and enterprise morning where they made and sold a range of products in order to raise money for Water4Ethiopia.
Thank you for your fundraising, we will work with our partner NGO, local woreda office and communities to identify the project that your donations will help construct shortly. We hope to help prevent more children from getting Glaucoma, which the boy in this photo from Lower Woibla sadly has.

Construction progress update
23 June, 2015
Construction is going well in the Goncha woreda of East Gojam, Amahara, Ethiopia.
5 of the 7 hand-dug well projects have reached clean water and the cement rings have been constructed and fitted into the wells to help protect the source. The purchase of hand-pumps is now taking place.
The other 2 hand-dug well projects at Kufif and Lower Woibla are still in the process of excavation, although these two projects started a little later due to a change in their project sites.
All 7 projects have their WASH (water and sanitation/hygiene) committees established.
Once complete these 7 projects should help around 2300 Ethiopians to have clean water each day.
In the photos are Mulugeta (head of water resource department at our partner NGO), and Ato (Water4Ethiopia's local project manager based in Goncha).
Thank you for all of your kind donations, they really are making a huge difference to lives in these 7 kebele's in Ethiopia.

Project update from our Ethiopian partner NGO
22 January, 2015
The project manager and cashier have now been appointed by the head office at our partner NGO, EOC-DICAC, for the 7 East Gojam projects Water4Ethiopia are funding.
Office space in the local woreda and economic offices is expected to be confirmed shortly so that the guards can be recruited too.
The purchasing of materials has begun and community mobilisation has started too. Project construction is expected to begin at the end of February once the harvesting season has been completed and the communities are available to provide their assistance.
Find out more about the projects helping over 2500 Ethiopians to have clean water at:

Beverley Hills' fundraising 2014
23 December, 2014
Today was Bev's last craft sale until 31st March next year as she takes a break to make more stock to sell next year. Over the past 10 months, Bev has attended 43 craft sales and has raised £652.29 for Water4Ethiopia which is enough for 1 year of clean water for 2609 people.
Thank you to everyone who has helped Bev raise such an amazing sum of money this year!

Water4Ethiopia bottled water celebrates its 3rd birthday!
August, 2014
3 years ago Water4Ethiopia bottled water was officially launched.
We're really pleased 34,848 bottles have now been sold, that 3 Water4Ethiopia projects have been constructed and 7 more projects are due to begin this Autumn in Gojam, Amhara Regional State.
With your fantastic bottled water support, with kind donations and fundraising efforts from many along the way, just over 4200 Ethiopians should have clean water each morning by Spring 2015.
If your business, school or church is able to kindly help by selling Water4Ethiopia bottled water too then our wholesalers Turners Fine Foods delivers to the South East of England up to Birmingham and you just need to open an account to place your first order by calling 01580 212818 and emailing andy@water4ethiopia.org too.
Thanks for your support.

Draft of the proposal for clean water projects in East Gojam
June, 2014
The first draft of the East Gojam clean water projects proposal document has been edited and sent back to our partner in Addis Ababa, the EOC-DICAC NGO.
The only major changes were a decrease in the cost of a guard to look after the project office and materials as we were quoted a lower price when we were in the local area, as well as preferring to use more traditional hygiene and sanitation methods of training rather than buying computers and printers.
From our experiences in Saglie, we found formation of a school drama club to have been a good way to get help the communities to understand the benefits of washing hands before critical times as well as the safe storage of clean water.

Bottled water sales update
November, 2013
Another 2736 bottles of Water4Ethiopia have been ordered by our wholesalers Turners Fine Foods, taking the total number of bottles sold to date to over 27,000.
Really pleasing that 2013 saw 1050 beneficiaries gain clean water in the communities of Dodo and Saglie, though of course we're a little disappointed not to have been able to have got further projects under way this year.
Looking forward to working closely with our NGO in Ethiopia on site selection in 2014, as well as growing the number of outlets in the UK selling Water4Ethiopia bottled water.
Thanks for all of your support in 2013 and we look forward to beginning new projects in 2014 to help more Ethiopians to be able to drink clean water.