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255 Ethiopians are currently drinking from this unprotected spring and a river at the bottom of the valley. The community will benefit from a hand-dug well with a hand pump for distribution. A Hygiene and Sanitation programme will also be founded.




250 Ethiopians are currently drinking from these unprotected seasonal springs. The water source is so bad that we've met young children at this site suffering from Trachoma. Marwenz is also located in the Goncha Siso Enersie Woreda. The project is to dig by hand a protected well with a hand pump for distribution. A Hygiene and Sanitation programme will also be founded.


The project was originally planned for 2015 but was put on hold due to a land disagreement. The community has now resolved this amongst themselves and a site has been selected for 2016. 



360 Ethiopians are currently drinking from springs that are shared with animals in the rainy season. In the dry season, collecting water can lead to a round trip of up to four hours being carried out up to twice a day. The project is to dig by hand a protected well with a hand pump for distribution. A Hygiene and Sanitation programme will also be founded.



320 Ethiopians are currently drinking from this contaminated spring at the bottom of a hill. The project is to dig by hand a protected well with a hand pump for distribution. A Hygiene and Sanitation programme will also be founded.


Yeseew Arb

305 Ethiopians live in the community of Yeseew Arb, which is located further down the valley from Maje, Mewagna and Kidanemihret. The project is to dig by hand a protected well with a hand pump for distribution. A Hygiene and Sanitation programme will also be founded.



750 Ethiopians currently drink from unprotected sources. The community will benefit from two hand-dug wells with a hand pump for distribution. A Hygiene and Sanitation programme will also be founded.


Getiesemane Secondary School

600 Ethiopians including students and teachers will benefit from a hand-dug well with a hand pump for distribution. A Hygiene and Sanitation programme will also be founded.



325 Ethiopians currently drink from this water source. The project is to dig by hand a protected well with a hand pump for distribution. A Hygiene and Sanitation programme will also be founded.

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